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Spartan Camera’s 5 Father’s Day Plans

Mr. Locke and his son scouting past their Spartan Trail Camera in the early morning and surrounded by the fog. It was a foggy morning with dad on the right and son on the left following him past the spartan trail camera
Pack up your outdoor gear and grab some scouting equipment. The offseason is the perfect time to discover something new and spend time with Dad:
 Number one of five for Spartan Camera's 5 Father's Day Plans. Numbered in an orange box over an image of an open pole barn in the middle of the woods.
1. Spend the day scouting dad’s hunting property. Be sure to take along a couple of trail cameras to hang in new areas.
Number two of five for Spartan Camera's 5 Father's Day Plans. Numbered in an orange box over an image of a trail meeting with rays of sunshine.
2. A hiking trip can be more than just a walk through the woods. Take along a wild plant book to learn about new plants and trees. 
Number three of five for Spartan Camera's 5 Father's Day Plans. Numbered in an orange box over an image of a deer tracks in the mud and some green vegetation on the far right.
3. Have dad teach the kids to identify animal tracks. Young kids will even enjoy making plaster molds of the tracks they find.
Number four of five for Spartan Camera's 5 Father's Day Plans. Numbered in an orange box over the image. The image has some trees in the background, with low water levels in the lake, and a fishing pier on the right. The sky is also very cloudy but bright.
4. Go fishing! Every outdoorsy dad will enjoy a fishing trip.
Number five of five for Spartan Camera's 5 Father's Day Plans. Numbered in an orange box over the image. An image of the Spartan Ghost Camera next to a log and some blades of grass and leaves.
5. A camping trip is always a great way to spend time with loved ones. Have a trail cam handy to hang around camp to see if any critters visit in the night.


Several of these can be combined for the ultimate Father’s Day weekend. If you were looking for a great gift idea, check out our father's day promotion ending on June 20th, 2021.


A collage of three fathers day pictures from Spartan Camera community. Photo credit: Zach Kaiser and daughter (left), Josh Locke and son (middle), and Steve Kaiser with granddaughter (right)
Photo credit: Zach Kaiser and daughter (left), Josh Locke and son (middle), and Steve Kaiser with granddaughter (right).


Happy Father’s Day!

Contributors: Daniel Rodriguez, Kevin Warstadt

Photo submissions from: Steve Kaiser, Zach Kaiser, Josh Locke, and Tovah Locke. 

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