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      IT IS MINERAL SEASON!! As we wind down from hunting, and pick up the occasional shed antler, it is time to focus our attention on supplying the deer herd with the minerals they need. The benefits are many, to both hunters and deer. The deer benefit in many ways including digestion, bone growth, antler growth, immune health, supporting gestation and lactation.

      In the Spring, deer crave sodium. The reason for this craving is that during this time of year, deer are eating a lot of green vegetation which is high in water content. This water dilutes the deer’s natural sodium levels, leaving the deer actively seeking out additional salt to satisfy their body’s needs. There is no more perfect time to ingest other beneficial minerals into a deer, than when the deer craves sodium. Salt is used as a carrier to get other minerals to deer as they satisfy their sodium cravings.

      Man-made mineral stations become very important for deer during the Spring and Summer months. As deer increase their frequencies to these man-made mineral sights, it becomes a very exciting time of year to see what bucks are going to make the hit list! A well-placed Spartan Camera, over a heavily used mineral hole, can create many exciting notifications sent to your cell phone.

      So, let's discuss “the elephant in the room.” Do the minerals that humans supply the deer increase antler growth? This has been a hotly contested subject for many years. We elect to let you decide that one for yourself. Some studies do show the importance of minerals for antler growth. But, there is research suggesting that providing mineral supplements do not guarantee larger antlers. Genetics, age, and nutrition are the biggest players in the end results of antler size.

    The one thing we know for sure, deer love salt! For inventory purposes, you will get a good idea of what deer are using your property, with a properly established mineral site. Refreshing the sites several times a year will not only keep the deer coming often, but will also have them making stops year around.

    Establishing mineral sites are a fun thing to do with the family. Taking the kids along can increase their interest in taking part in the deeply engrained family tradition of deer hunting. The excitement of watching a mature whitetail buck progress through the velvet growing process can be a very enjoyable experience!

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