Outdoor Adventures of Spencer Keith

This week, we welcome Spencer Keith as he shares his inspiring story. I have the honor of presenting Spencer's journey, which reflects the spirit of perseverance that resonates deeply with our community. It is also an honor to have you here to read his story, so read on as Spencer brings you his hunting adventures.
The Call of the Wild
My name is Spencer Keith. I live in the foothills of SW Virginia where I love to spend time in the outdoors with my dad chasing Spring gobblers and the elusive white-tailed deer during the fall and winter months. The time I spend outdoors is precious to me as I cannot go hunting or fishing just anytime I want. Since around 1 year of age, I was diagnosed with a rare Neurological disorder that plagues me with paralysis, numbness, and severe pain due to full-body muscle cramps. There is no rhyme or reason as to when these episodes rear its ugly head. Wind, extreme temperature changes, excitement ..etc, to name a few, are some of the things that cause me to go “out” (paralysis) and creates life altering events for me on a regular and sometimes daily basis. The majority of the time, only one side is paralyzed and I am still able to somewhat function. Other times, I am in full-body paralysis and I am unable to move, talk, eat or drink.. During these times, my family has to watch me carefully since my tongue is paralyzed as well and rolls back in my throat and causes me to choke. My condition is called Acute Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood (AHC). There are only a thousand or so cases worldwide! There is no known cure and there are no medications that can help me with my daily struggles. When I was in middle school, I got bullied and picked on a lot. It caused me to hate being at school and also had me thinking the worst possible thing at times ; me not wanting to continue life. But, by the grace of God, He pulled me through those tough times. He allowed me to see my worth and has given me a vision of possibly becoming a preacher one day. I love helping people and consider it an honor and a blessing when I get to help and encourage others with special needs. Also, I have a strong will and I don’t like to allow anything to keep me down. I keep pushing forward and striving to find my true purpose in life. Just know, my life has not been easy and I wouldn’t wish this disorder on anyone. I also know that there are others who have far worse conditions than mine so I try not to ever lay down with a pity party. I would encourage anyone who may have special needs to never give up hope. At the end of every day, the only thing we have is hope for the next day to be better than the last and hope for a cure. I know one day soon, God is going to fix what is broken.
In September of 2022, my dad and I were invited to Cedar Hollow Lodge in Grayling, Michigan for a 4 day hunt offered through The Foundation for Hope Outdoor Adventures. What an amazing place this is and the people there were so inviting, so encouraging and full of “agape” love. Only 4 hunters were there that weekend and all four of us harvested beautiful whitetail bucks. There was daily gatherings around the campfire where encouraging words were spoken, Scripture was read and prayers were sent. To cap it off was some of the most amazing vocals I have ever heard sung by Pastor, John Pomeroy. The food was second to none and the lodge was out of this world amazing as each room had its own theme. This was what I call a top-shelf event with top of the line individuals. I will never forget that place and all the individuals who poured into me.
September 30, 2022 would go down as one of the best days of my life! Myself, my dad, Mark Porter (Mossy Oak Go / Dead End Game Calls) and the property manager, “Jake”, set out to the hunting blind which was like a mini house lined with Cedar planks. It set on a small knoll with a big pond to the left and a beautiful food plot in front and to my right. It was a beautiful high pressure day and the conditions were perfect. Except for the fact that my excitement level was through the roof and I began to weaken. Eventually I went completely paralyzed and they had to lay me on the floor of the blind so I could rest and hopefully get better before any potential deer would show up.
Immediately, Mark (Porter) texted his wife back at the lodge and asked her to gather up as many people as possible and pray for me. As soon as the prayer was over, she texted Mark to let him know. Meanwhile, two very large behemoth Whitetail bucks had walked onto the scene and they were standing approximately 75-80 yards from us. I was able to get up and get into my seat and get on the gun and readied myself for the shot with a 6.5 Creedmoor rifle. I was still very weak but I was able to pull the shot off and my buck expired seconds later. We all gave high fives and my dad was overcome with tears of joy. What an amazing God-moment that was! I couldn’t believe what had just happened and I especially could not believe the size of my deer as I approached him! It was a giant bodied buck with 21 scorable points and gross scored 209 B & C inches! What a hunt I had that day and what a place!
I cannot begin to put together the words to explain how blessed I am to have gotten to be a part of this hunt. To have made such amazing new friends and experience the beautiful scenery there in Grayling, Michigan. The guides went above and beyond to cater to us and give us the hunt of a lifetime! This journey was so much more than the harvest of an unbelievable white-tailed deer. It was about the community of believers coming together to show love to others, no matter where they came from or what skin color they may have, or what disabling condition they might have. It’s about walking life’s journey together, supporting one another as disciples of Jesus Christ.
May God richly bless all of you!
Spencer R. Keith
Fieldale, Virginia